What's been going on and what's going to happen soon.

NOTE regarding previous entry: I mentioned I 1CC'd Arcade Ultra on my first try. That was a typo. I meant Arcade Original. Arcade Ultra is something I can never 1CC the first stage of let along the whole game.

I've been playing a lot of Futari 1.5 lately. It's a very amazing port. Kudos to M2 for making a very stellar port. Black Label just came out today too and I've been playing the hell out of that. I have to admit though, Black Label is way more fun than I thought it would be. I'm liking BL Original way more than 1.5 Original, and I'm not sure how I feel about BL Maniac. God Mode is pretty fucking awesome, but like Ultra, I'll never 1CC it.

It seems that there's going to be another STG meet tomorrow at Cody's house. I actually haven't been there for nearly a month now due to always going elsewhere (pmall w/ Kai & co., 2012 w/ Kai & co). The main attraction is most likely going to be the Futari port that I'm bringing over and we're going to be rocking that port over on his XM29 via VGA. ASK's already going to bring his custom Seimitsu stick and Chris is going to bring the VGA cables. That way, I only carry the console and the power brick. Oh, and the game itself. Can't forget that.

In all honesty, I don't know why I'm still out here having fun. I should be worried about the outcome of the last three exams that I've just undergone in addition to the last two I'm going to deal with in the next couple days. It's a weekend, fuck that. I will go, have fun on the weekend, and study like I've never studied before for Monday and Wednesday.