
Why am I in beast mode the past few days? It makes no sense.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't train myself for these things. Ever. It's just something that occurs very rarely.For example, one of the personal accomplishments back in Mushihimesama Futari Black Label was this score for God Mode. …

What's been going on and what's going to happen soon.

NOTE regarding previous entry: I mentioned I 1CC'd Arcade Ultra on my first try. That was a typo. I meant Arcade Original. Arcade Ultra is something I can never 1CC the first stage of let along the whole game.I've been playing a lot of Fut…

So it finally came.

I'm pretty fucking happy. I finished playing a couple runs too and I definitely have to say: this port is very amazing.I've already 1CC'd Novice Ultra, Novice Original (No-miss) and Arcade Original on my very first try upon booting the gam…

Damn, looks like this 'fun' needs to be postponed a bit.

I've received a PM over at the system11 forum regarding my shipment consisting of my CAVE-SHOP exclusive Limited Edition of Mushihimesama Futari 1.5. Apparently, when it was sent out, it was automatically sent BACK to the sender so now he …


10 days apart from my last blog entry. It's not that I'm lazy... I actually had a lot to do for the entire week.Let's start off with school. I'm not doing so great in Bio. I guess it's back to hating that and loving Chemistry again. Goddam…

虫姫さまふたり1.5 + 2012 + Stupid real life stuff. = Emotionally mixed KOA?

That's a lot of tags I've crammed in to this entry. In any case...虫姫さまふたり1.5 - It couldn't be a more glorious time as it's less than a week away from release and I'm very very fucking excited to play it. Even moreso considering i…