What's new in Stepmania LiteBlue 4.01

Technically speaking, the build is supposed to come out on 2010/03/01. I guess it's a few days too early, but I've fixed a couple of bugs for now.

Here is the update log for 4.01:
[FIX] - Combo number is a little smaller now.
[FIX] - OK/NG Freeze labels are no longer from the default theme.
[FIX] - Battery Life graphics refined a bit.
[FIX] - Theme's total filesize decreased by a significant amount.
[ADD] - Added title text (header) for All of the system config and its subsections (Appearance Options/ Background Options/ etc.)
[ADD] - Reworked results screen quite a bit.

Please download it here. http://www.dwrkoa.net/Stepmania_LiteBlue_04-REVAMP_20100301.smzip