It really has been a while, hasn't it.

After many weeks of outing deprivations, programming like I've never programmed before, and gaming like I've never gamed (I totally like how gaming became a verb) before I have actually forgotten that I had this blog to maintain (yeah, maintain).

I've bought and preordered an influx of Touhou-related items from, only because I want to take advantage of their February half-price shipping event (in commemoration of international customer appreciation). So the aforementioned shitload of items purchases / preordered are as follows:

  • Griffon Alice Margatroid PVC figure.
  • Griffon Flandre Scarlet PVC figure.
  • Some Cirno sticker set.
  • A Dioxin (I love this artist) Cirno towel.
  • Some "Gensokyo" air fresheners (Don't ask).
  • Reimu and Marisa chibi figures.

I've already received the last three, but the first three are still on preorder state and I can only hope they get released on time before the month ends.

I've spent a good amount of the past few weeks working on (and almost finalizing) Stepmania LiteBlue 04. There were a lot of minor things to fix, but I plan to release it publically today.

I'm finally happy to be extremely close to completion. It's going to be a very barebones release at the moment. Here's a full log on what to finish and what it has at the moment.

  • 4.00 build 20100223 is a very barebones release, it's not going to have challenge-related modes (Nonstop, Oni, Endless, Battle), but I'll be working on that as time allows me to.
  • ScreenEvaluationSummary may need some more work put on it, as I have no idea in how I can refine/improve it any further.
  • ScreenHowToPlay needs work though, it's been untouched since I started working on it, and I'm not so sure if I want to.

Other than the few minor fixes here and there, I think it's ready for public release. It took two goddamn years to finish this (mainly because I took a 1-year break), but I'm glad this is near completion.

ESPGaluda II Black Label is around the corner and I'm really eager to get this baby in my hands. That and a lot of other stuff. I hope I have enough money for this. I don't want to waste my entire Chinese New Years earnings on stuff like this, as school is just as important.

I'll definitely have to update a lot on this post later, hence the image placeholders. I'm at school at the moment and I can only perform everything when I'm at home.

Peace out.