A non-existant pursue for love.

I'm having really mixed emotions regarding this one odd phenomenon people call 'love'. On one hand, I'm seemingly coming off as more and more desperate to find a girlfriend.

That is because a girl who I've recently developed feelings for got asked out by someone else. Subliminally, at least.

On the other hand. If I do get a girlfriend. Now what? What hardships would I have to face in the near future? I've under the belief that nothing lasts forever. Not even love. That's why breakups and divorce exists in the same sense that dislikes and hate exist in society. The last girl I've dated, I had this mentality that "Oh, this isn't going to last. In the end, we're eventually going to break up. How long will that be? As a boyfriend, I can only delay that endpoint as far as possible". That being said, because of said mentality, I didn't feel as bad when the endpoint eventually did happen. Why is it considered a hardship to me? While I do admit that having someone by your side to share emotions with is possibly one of the best things one can experience in their lives, how long will it be until desire and needs start taking higher priority, resulting in a near-drastic alteration of the state-of-mind of both people? I know deep inside, there are some changes about me that I'm not ready to cope with yet, particularly destroying a few of my interests that the other person may not potentially like about me.

I have no idea why I'm babbling. Don't mind me.